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A History



July 1920, Nazareth Baptist Church was organized by Rev. John Meyers, Sr. in Des Allemands, Louisiana.  In 1925, the church reorganized and moved to 516 Amelia Street, New Orleans, LA  in an old garage building until 1928.

After three years the church moved  to S. Derbigny Street between First Street and Jackson Avenue where the membership grew rapidly. In 1933, the church moved again to a larger building on  S. Roman Street, between First Street and Jackson Avenue to accommodate the needs of a growing congregation.


Church membership continued to grow and the members decided to purchase a permanent site for their religious services.  The members assisted Rev. Meyers, Sr. with whole hearted cooperation.  In subsequent days, representatives of the congregation assembled at the Pastor's home and made plans by which to achieve their goal of purchasing a larger facility. Thus, with the hard work of faithful members the initial funds of the building drive were raised. On December 7, 1940, $200.00 was raised for deposit on a building located at 2818 Second Street.


During this time period, the Second Street building was valued at $2000.00

(not including the attorney fees of $25). Seven years later, on May 7, 1947,

the last note of four $469.26 was paid.



On July 10, 1950, the church was incorporated and re-named Second Nazareth

Baptist Church. Second Nazareth Baptist Church was founded and renown for,

not only, the cooperation and earnest work by the members, but also by the

spiritual leaders.


Rev. John B. Davis, Assistant Pastor, served during the  illness of

Rev. John Meyers, Sr. Upon the death of Rev. Meyers, Sr.,   on August 14, 1951, Rev. Davis served as acting pastor until  the  fourth Sunday in  February of 1952 when he resigned.


Reverend James W. Young

Rev. P. W. Raphael served as pastor of Second Nazareth  Baptist Church  the first Sunday in March 1952.  After preaching and serving the Lord's Supper the following  Saturday the officers of the church met with Rev. James W. Young and engaged him to supply the pulpit. On August 14, 1952, Rev. James W. Young was duly elected pastor of the church. He was installed by the First District Baptist  Association one week later, on August 21, 1952.


The church was in dire need of rennovation and with the approval Rev. G. W. Mc Waters and the members, the congregation held service at Pleasant Zion Baptist Church. On Sunday, September 20, 1957, Second Nazareth Baptist Church was dedicated.  The church expanded to include the building next door at 2818 Second Street with the cooperation of the members.  Under Rev. Young’s administration the church made substantial progress.  After forty-two years of faithful and dutiful services, Rev. Young, resigned his position as pastor of Second Nazareth Baptist Church because of failing health problems. Rev. Young had a long and  fruitful life until his death on June 10, 1995.

On Wednesday, August 31, 1994, between the hours of 7 and 9 p. m., the congregation held an   election, at 2818 Second Street,  facilitated by the First District Missionary Baptist  Association and Rev. Matthew Mc Gary, Sr.  Rev. Gary Lee Curtis was elected  pastor-elect of Second Nazareth Baptist Church. On September 23,1994, under the auspices of the First District Missionary Baptist  Association, Rev. Matthew Mc Gary, Sr.,  President, installed Rev. Curtis as pastor. Rev Curtis served as until February of 2008, when he was terminated for misappropriation of church funds received from insurances claims due to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Due to Hurricanes Katrina & Rita and the lack of funding, the church was not able to celebrate  2005-2008 church anniversaries or any of the annual community programs.



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